The world biggest transportation companies are getting the same mistakes than his ancestors. The objetive to design a machine based on chemical propulsion is obsolete, and retards the human apogee hundreds of years.
In 60s investigation with electricity and magnetism shows evidence that its posible to get electrical propulsion. Like we see in the next fragment of video (Professor Eric Laithwaite);
Even. It was Nikola Tesla who said that electricity can be treated like water, in meaning of increase the pressure in a tank full of electricity.
The chemical propulsion, be it with propeller, hypergolic, or water, is an archaic and retrospective factor in modern technology.
Electric propulsion is the future and can easily be achieved with the relationship of the types of metals we use for engine design. Aluminum is repelled by the electromagnetic field, as happens with the fusion of copper with steel.
Electric propulsion engines such as the famous X3 maintain the use of gases for the production of ions, which is why they must be considered mixed.
This video shows a simple experiment where an aluminum ring is ejected by a weak electromagnetic field;
We see how aluminum is completely efficient for propulsion with electricity!
Next, i leave a personal design of a real electric propulsion engine that is based on these principles, very simple;
In this direction the electrons accumulate first in the upper part of the tank, causing the matter to levitate. The escape route allows propulsion that could be enhanced with another device and feedback of the electrons with the environment.
The steel bar in the center will try to escape in the direction that the electric current runs, so it will produce a push effect.
This model is my own and I give permission for it to be used by virtue of experimentation and progress.
Note: The power of the engine will be exponential to the electrical power that is injected inside and at the pressure that can be applied.
A steel ring can rotate around the tank to exert more stability, orientation and favor the levitation of the engine.
This reflection takes into account the countless and wonderful achievements of all chemical propulsion systems and the work of the companies and is inspired by it. The only objective is to provide a different vision and contribute to the common objective of all of us.